You've never seen this country. It's not the way you thought it was. Look again. Al Purdy

Saturday, May 7, 2011

giant redwoods

We drove away from the Pacific coast to see 
the huge redwood forests in the Sierra Nevada mountains.

Once again our spectacular planet overwhelmed us.
Californians can surf one day, ski in the mountains the next, and hike in the forest on the weekend.
We could only spend one day hiking along side the giant redwoods of California. 
But still, after only this wee bit of time, there is need for words...

the town of Boulder Creek was quaint, and well, woody
workmen keep the trees trimmed for highway saftey
The Big Basin Redwoods State Park is a treasure - imagine the lucky people that get to work here!
as usual, park displays were lovingly created and cared for
there is a full program of park hikes led by knowledgeable park rangers
and these are just the pine cones (the seeds)!

hiking was so much fun even if sometimes challenging

A camp ground - park your car at the left and pitch your tent under the canopy of green- lovely.
dappled sunlight - dreamy
 But don't forget to look down; many creatures live here.
the 2nd largest species of slug, the banana slug can grow to be almost 10 inches long
our reward at the half way point of the hike

as trees die, moss and fungi help them to decompose
some lucky people live just outside the park on the mountain side
Many Americans love to keep fit and they happily bike up these mountains.

After a day with these gentle giants you feel it - peace, man!

santa cruz

As in Egypt, Bird of Paradise flowers grow everywhere
and also as in Cairo, some street vendors sell ON the street
Santa Cruz is the original surfer town with the big beach for a downtown. 
We don't have too much to say about this place, but we sure knew we were in California ...

- the laid back hippie and surfer lifestyle rules

policemen wear guns - and shorts!
the waterfront boardwalk also has its own roller coaster. Whee
apparently your feet are individuals too
and you need to know your toe sizes

natural, organic hemp shoes
textured clogs

classic hippie kick back boots
as close to bling as these hippies got
flower power shoes

groovin' in Santa Cruz with the new hat!
this juice store sells its own basketball

Wherever we went, Californians showed us many small acts of kindness. I went to buy a coffee and came away with a handmade cupcake to celebrate the cafe owner's birthday. Yum!

- your house absolutely has to show YOUR personality 

traditional hacienda style ranch house with red slate roof
traditional Mexican style casa
gotta have my castle!!
looks like a regular house but...
...the door gives it away.
the personal touch- a handmade mailbox!
 - dogs are just about, or maybe more important than humans

street musicians being asked to move on. At least their dog gets to carry the stuff

these collies work  in a housewares store
this chihuahua helps customers select their clothes

what did her dog order for lunch?
dog grooming is a job less affected by the economic downturn
dogs really do look like their humans!

- the food is mainly All American, Mexican, or Asian, with a touch of organic fusion
diners are common
this one had its own giant hamburger decoration just so you know what to order
Mexican burrito covered with salsa sauce on one side and guacamole sauce on the other. Hmmm

- environmental concerns and renewable energy are legislated and everywhere. 
The governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who started his career as an action actor, has championed laws for auto emissions and other energy and water saving issues. This makes sense since California has a huge population living in this mainly desert.
electric buses
natural gas powered car
completely electric car
 Of course, California is also known for its street gangs and drug dealers. We drove through one part of a town near Santa Cruz where there was a bail bond business on virtually every corner.

But we were just passing through
so we prefer to remember the good times in Santa Cruz
and those cute little typcially Califonian penguin (???) statues on the street corners.