You've never seen this country. It's not the way you thought it was. Look again. Al Purdy

Thursday, May 5, 2011

california coast

We are driving towards the California coast. California dreamin'
Dear Egyptian friends, check out this video of the 1960's pop star group the Mommas and the Poppas singing their smash hit,"California Dreaming".
Then you will get why Canadians dream so much about this, well this, dreamy coast. 
It does remind us of the Red Sea coast though.
still hills but green!

orchards - fresh oranges- yum!
field after field of crops - like the Nile Delta
Our first glimpse of the Pacific through the towering eucalyptus trees. People playing in the sun and sand - well going to para-ski. I was too early to see him go...
pick up trucks and surf boards - oh yeah
We found the famous beach where the elephant seals live. A volunteer told us what was happening. 
At this time the females and adolescents lie here for 30 days fasting. 
During that time their winter fur molts off. Then they grow a new layer of fur - fresh for 2011. 
Once the fur has grown in - they swim out and go back to eating and regular life.

 The young seals get bored so they do go out and fool around in the water. Watch the two in the background play fighting. When they get big, they will fight for real to protect their territory.

This lovely volunteer told us about the seals, the highway closures due to landslides and the best place to eat in Monterey. She knew it all!

The Monterey Fish house turned out to be magic. and just about as memorable as that amazing dinner with Mona and her family in Port Said.
Alaska Halibut - west coast fish flavours - terrific

 Of course there are negative sides to California - but we will save these for the next post.
migrant farm workers are bused to the fields - like the micro buses take workers in Egypt...
portable washrooms are towed at the back of the buses
we also saw oil derricks
We also saw other forms of fascinating California wild life. Much more of these kinds of creatures in the next post...

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